Yi Han calls "Pa Pa"
In the past couple of weeks, Yi Han finally began to babble. She was such a quiet baby before but now that she got started, it came with a flurry. She also started pointing at objects. It was kinda charming when she just threw her head back during our walks, pointed to the stars and went "da..da..bbbbooooo".
2 mornings ago, she pointed and called Pa Pa when Mommy asked her to. Too bad Daddy was sleeping at that time and missed the whole thing. Needless to say, Mommy was green with envy. She better learn "Mama" in a jiffy. Otherwise, with the Great Singapore Sale on, next month's credit card bill may be quite spectacular.
2 mornings ago, she pointed and called Pa Pa when Mommy asked her to. Too bad Daddy was sleeping at that time and missed the whole thing. Needless to say, Mommy was green with envy. She better learn "Mama" in a jiffy. Otherwise, with the Great Singapore Sale on, next month's credit card bill may be quite spectacular.